List of form fields in the document: Page 1: Field 1: fullname='firstname' type=textfield Tooltip: 'First name' Field 2: fullname='size' type=combobox Tooltip: 'Select size' Value: '4' Field 3: fullname='plane' type=listbox Tooltip: 'Select model' Value: '0' Field 4: fullname='glossy' type=checkbox Tooltip: 'glossy paper' Field 5: fullname='rainbow' type=checkbox Tooltip: 'rainbow colors' Field 6: fullname='colors' type=radiogroup Value: 'standard' Field 1: fullname='colors#0' type=radiobutton Field 2: fullname='colors#1' type=radiobutton Field 3: fullname='colors#2' type=radiobutton Field 7: fullname='print' type=pushbutton Tooltip: 'Print the document' Action: type=Named trigger=up